Then... 2009 rolled around. The first week of January, I was carrying a box of old pictures and tripped over hubby's tool box, resulting in my little toe nail swiftly being removed, which I didn't notice right away due to the chunk that was also taken out of my toe. It still hurts, and I'm assuming it was broken. Break #1 of '09.
January 22, started out like any other day, until I started down the steps. My foot slipped on the 4th step, and I bounced down the next 8 steps on my tailbone. You never think about your coccyx until you break it. Break #2 of '09.
February 24, I stepped on a plastic bag someone had carelessly left on the kitchen floor, it slipped and I fell. In an attempt to catch myself, I put my hand out and took the brunt of the fall with my scaphoid bone. Hoping it was just a sprain I did nothing - until doing nothing was no longer an option. So I spent the morning at the doctor's office, then the x-ray department. The radiologist said the x-ray was negative. The doctor said scaphoid fractures don't usually show up right away. A medical website confirms this..."Often patients present with wrist pain following a fall and the x-ray does not immediately show damage to the scaphoid. Persistent pain and follow up x-rays can be required to correctly diagnose the condition" Another site agrees, saying, "If radiographs are negative despite clinical suspicion of a scaphoid fracture, the patient's wrist is immobilized and radiographs are repeated in 2 weeks. If plain films continue to be negative but clinical suspicion remains, further imaging should be pursued. Bone scan and computed tomography have been used with about equal accuracy to detect occult fractures."
So, we shall see. Considering my pocketbook is lighter to the tune of $300 ( which was a 40% discount off the original bill), I certainly hope I don't have to repeat it! In the meantime, I have a large chunk of plaster strapped to my arm, and my typing speed is no longer 120 wpm.
This morning, I asked God to assign any extra guardian angels to my case. I can use all the help I can get!