Our first twin lambs were born on April 22nd and they've been coming steadily since. So far we're at 23 and there are 3 more first time - about to be Moms who aren't quite "done" yet. Here is a sampling of a few of them. Since we've been Shepherds, one of my favorite books has been
A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm by Phillip Keller. Here's the description from Christian Book Distributors..."Walk the green pastures of faith and drink from the still waters of peace hidden in Psalm 23! Drawing from his experience as a professional sheep rancher, Keller leads you verse by verse through this beloved portion of Scripture, offering unique insights into the love our Good Shepherd bestows upon us, the sheep of his pasture." Having read this book and being blessed to be able to go out into the green pastures and sit among the sheep, knowing them all by name and having them come up to me to get their head scratched or to have them call me to come see their new lambs when I step through the gate, has just been a phenomenal, faith lifting experience. It makes me glad to have a "Good Shepherd" to care for me in the same way!
Scrapbook Page Credits: Mother May I Page Kit by Linda Rechtin
An absolutely lovely post and layout.
wow, what a wild life i bet...raising animals.. a reall life farm. wow. i am going to be checking back on this blog for SURE!
I just saw that book in my CBD catalog...I think I'll have to read that one!
This sounds sooooo cool! Thanks for sharing this. As soon as I retire (14 more work days), I will check into this book.
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