My oldest daughter has loved horses almost since the day she was born. From the time she was two years old, and was able to talk, she started wanting a horse of her own. Any cash she got for birthdays or Christmas or Allowances went into a savings account and by the time she was nine years old, she had saved up enough money to buy her horse. Tasha was a four year old draft/paint mare and Tori cared for her, rode her, fed her, babied her, for three years. Then, last March, Tasha got colic for the second time. The first time we were able to get her through it, but this time, she was down and wasn't going to get up. We did everything we could for her - even had a chiropractor come out and adjust her, but it was not to be. Tasha died on April Fools Day 2006.
I worried that Tori would be hurt and bitter and be put off horses, but we prayed and cried together and the Lord used the experience to teach us both. Shortly after, Tori made a list of things she would like to have in her "dream horse" and started saving all her cash for the day she would finally have enough to buy another horse.
This week, my friend Sue called me. She was with us the night Tasha died and knew how much it meant to Tori to have a horse. She had talked to her sister in law who had horses about finding another horse for Tori. Would you believe that someone GAVE her sister in law a horse? After months of watching and trying this horse (whose name is Cash, btw), she has declared her safe and ready to move in. The incredible thing is - as Sue began to tell me all the details about this horse, I started mentally checking off the items on Tori's "dream horse list". This horse IS Tori's Dream Horse! And since Cash was a gift to Sue's sister in law, she is GIVING her to Tori! Tori has been out in the stable all week cleaning out Cash's new stall and getting it ready for her. She's even talking about making curtains for the window. LOL! Several times this week, she has said to me, "I'm afraid I'm going to wake up and find out it was all a dream." As soon as we can find a trailer, we'll be off to bring her home.
I did this layout awhile back of Tori on Tasha and oddly enough, it's called "Dream Come True". I guess the next layout will have to be called "Dream Come True...Again!"
Scrapbook Page Credits: Nameless Beauty Page Kit Created by ©2007 Beth Nixon
http://store.digitalscrapbookplace.c...ucts_id=5 091
"T" from the Boy oh Boy Sparkle Alpha from the Kit Created by Valeri Brumfield
OH my gosh!! That is just so wonderful! I loved reading this story and yes, dreams do come true, don't they. You must take a picture with her new horse and post it here.
Aww! What a great story! How wonderful for her! Can't wait to hear stories about 'Tori and Cash'!
Terrific story! It gave me chills all over. What a wonderful miracle! I can't wait to see your second page.
Wow! What an amazing story. Isn't it wonderful that there are such caring sensitive people in this world. I hope Tori enjoys Cash and vice versa. Congratulations!
Thank you for that wonderful story. Reading it has been one of the feel good moments of my week.
oh I loved this story.
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