Blog Prompt: Describe your relationship with your mom or a mother figure.Hmmm...I love

my Mom. She's my best friend. I live two hours away from her, but talk to her on the phone every day (sometimes two or three times). In recent years, she's been inflicted with Deteriorating Joint and Disk Disease (among other things) which has caused her a lot of pain in her back. She's had back surgery twice, neither of which helped her. She has to live with constant pain, and sometimes (as you would imagine) she has a hard time dealing with that. (I can't even begin to imagine what she goes through!) Sometimes, when she's at the end of her rope, she calls me (and/or my sisters) for support. I try to listen and understand, but it can be frustrating, knowing the pain she is in and not being able to do anything about it. And being in pain all the time can really get on your nerves, so occasionally, she takes her frustration out on those she loves (don't we all?) She has her good days and bad days, but we love her and try to do what we can. The best thing I've found is to try to be cheerful and tell her funny things the kids do or ask her about her childhood and get her reminiscing. That usually gets her laughing and feeling better. As I said before, laughter is the best medicine. I miss the old days, but change is inevitable... and I guess, overall, I wish I were as good a mom to my kids as she was to me. I never had to wonder if I was loved. It was evident in everything she did - and still does!!
It sounds like your mom is an amazing courageous woman. My hubby is in constant pain from breaking his back twice (30 years apart). It is tough to see someone you love in pain. I was reading your profile and find it very interesting. I can't imagine living on a farm but the lambs sound pretty cool. I can't imagine having 7 kids but I'm glad God found someone who could handle it!
My Mum was my best friend too. It's great to have that Mother/Daughter relationship on both levels.
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