Friday, January 30, 2009

I made the Top 40!

Well, it was technically the Top 100 gallery views at Digital Scrapbook Place, but I was number 40 on the list! So what does that mean? Well, when I upload a scrapbook page to my gallery, others can browse through the gallery and click to view a layout closer and comment on it. The list on DSP's blog consists of the 100 layouts that have the highest number of views. This particular layout that I did (the one that made the list) was for the Digital Elite Team Competition. I didn't make the team, but apparently this was a layout that people liked. It has been viewed over 600 times and was even nominated in the Best Overall Category for the 2008 Scrappy Awards.
I realize it seems like I'm boasting, so let me say that Digital Scrapbook Place is the largest Digiscrapping site on the web with the most members (almost 145,000!). There is a LOT of competition, so making the digital elite team, winning layout of the day, being inducted to the Hall of Fame, winning a scrappy award or making lists like this one is extremely rare (at least for me!) I guess that's why I'm so proud of this honor. So given all that, let me say that as much as I enjoy scrapbooking, I know it is a God given talent, so I want to give Him the glory for my accomplishments. ;) So without further ado, here is the layout that made the list...

Click image to go to the gallery.
Thanks for indulging me in my boasting. We now return to our regularly scheduled humility. ;)

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