Thursday, June 7, 2007

DSP Blog Prompt - Elementary School

Let's move up to elementary school. What school did you attend? What was it like.. big, small, etc.? Did you ride a bus or walk? Take a lunch or buy? What was your best memory there and what was your worse?

Oh, I loved elementary school. I have so many happy memories. I went to a small school called Jackson Elementary School. There were several elementary schools in our town, so there wasn't much busing as you were sure to live within walking distance to one of them. The only time I rode the bus was for field trips and I always got car sick on the bus. LOL! (This is me in Kindergarten!)

Speaking of getting sick, my worst memory is when I threw up in the hallway in 4th grade. We were standing in line to go out to recess and I just had to barf. The teacher moved the class down the hall to a different door and the principal made an announcement over the loud speaker asking the janitor to please clean up the vomit in the hallway. I could have died. Like I didn't feel bad enough already! The kids were all saying, "Ewww, did you see the throw up in the hall?" "Who threw up? Vicki?" LOL!

It's hard to pick a happy memory because there were so many. Taking cupcakes to school on my birthday, dressing up on Halloween, spelling bees and school fairs and art class. I won 2nd place in the 50 yard dash which surprised everyone including myself. Band practice and getting chosen to play taps on veterans day on my trumpet. My first boyfriend - Fishface Smith - in 5th grade. LOL! Making the honor roll and having my name on the list in the hall by the front door.

I hope my own children have happy memories of their school days. We homeschooled up until this year and I often hear them talking about things we've done for school. I guess every parent hopes their children have a better life than they did. I had a pretty good childhood, so it's going to be a tough act to follow. I think I'll go call my Mom. : )


Glynis said...

What an adorable photo! And thanks for reminding of that wonderful feeling of taking treats to class. Too bad we can't do the homemade thing for my kids now :(

Karen said...

I think it's great if your first school experience is in a small school where you don't feel so intimidated.

Unknown said...

Such a cute picture and a great memory.

ArcaneFaery said...

I think everyone NEEDS to have the horrible -i-threw-up-in-class memory. I have one, too! It makes us tough! lol