Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Daily Blog Prompts from DSP

Glynis (Grace Like Rain) from Digital Scrapbook Place hosts a forum called Daily Blog Prompts where she asks a question and you journal about it on your blog. I'm coming in late, so I'm going to start with today's question and go back and do some of the ones I missed as well.

Today's blog prompt is:

What's your favorite cookie? Do you make it? Does someone else? Do you buy it?

For me, this is a multi-faceted question with answers in different categories. First off, if it's chocolate, I'll eat it. Secondly, my mom loves to bake and she makes a huge variety. If she is going to make my favorite cookie, it's definitely Walnut Delectables. My oldest DD loves to bake, too, and she makes great peanut blossoms and chocolate chip cookies. If I'm buying them, I like Girl Scout Samoas and Pecan Sandies - sometimes even chocolate covered graham crackers. Lately, I got my DD hooked on Nutter Butters. :-)

4/23 Is there a time of the day when you feel most creative?

Hmmm...probably mornings. My morning routine lately has been to get the kids on the bus and then sit down and do one scrapbook page a day. Usually when the first cup of coffee kicks in, the creative juices start flowing. Sometimes, though, I don't like a lay out and I'll take a break and do my housework while mulling it over in my mind and come back later and finish it. If I can't sleep, sometimes I'll get up and scrap. Some of my best LOs are the result of restless nights.


Glynis said...

Thanks so much for joining us...and I just read your profile-- I'm totally hooked on Beth Moore Bible studies too! I'll be back to visit your blog and get to know you better. Blessings!

Marianna said...

I feel totally more creative in the morning as well. I hate mornings too. It always seems to take me a long time to wake up. But during that waking up time, I feel most creative.

I am really enjoying your blog BTW.