Digital Scrapbooking is my passion. Beth Nixon, one of the designers at Digital Scrapbook Place, created a forum to give some blogging tips and with her help I was able to get this thing set up. (Thanks, Bethy!!) My header bar was created using her Nameless Beauty Kit. The children are my "Perfect 7". (haha - yeah, right!) No, really - they're perfect to me. We're perfect together. The animals are some of our farm animals.
Life was hectic last week as DH started his new job and had to fly out of state for the week. That left me as a single parent to care for all the things that need to get done around here. Breakfast, lunches, laundry, dishes and... farming! Once the oldest 4 were on the bus, I had to head out to the barn and care for the 4 legged children - cows, pigs, sheep - all vying for my attention.

Sunday morning our first two lambs were born. We're anxiously waiting for the rest of the flock to lamb. Last Spring we named the lambs "coffee" names. This year, we're going with herbs and spices. So here is a picture of Herb and Allspice with their mom, Shedder. : ) Aren't they the cutest little things!!! Herb has interesting markings. He's the first of the flock to be marked in this way. Stay tuned for more...
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