Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to School and Potty Training...

All the kids have been successfully enrolled in their Cyber classes for the Fall and we're just waiting for the boxes of books and supplies to come pouring in... It's like Christmas in August when that happens! You'd never think kids would be so excited over a Math Text Book, but it happens here!
I'll take some pictures for proof and post them here.

Abby has decided (with some patient prodding) that she is a "big dirl" and ready to be done with diapers. The arrangement is that she gets 1 gummy bear for #1, and 2 gummy bears for #2. lol
She's doing very well. Now maybe we'll get a break from diapers, at least until December! :)

Now we just have to work on the modesty issue. She's so happy about being a big girl that she feels the need to share the news with everyone she sees. She pulls her dress up and says, "See my unnerware?" :) SOME day, we'll get them all raised! (Maybe!)

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