Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Saga continues until...Next Week

We used to be able to walk into out patient and have a sonogram, but apparently that's not the case anymore. Sooooo, I have an appointment for a sonogram next Wednesday. I'll be 18 weeks, so we should be able to tell quite a lot at that time (like whether the boy/girl score in our family will be evened or not. The score now stands at 4 girls and 3 boys).

Sometimes I wonder what God is thinking when he hears our family prayers. He has 3 girls and 1 little boy (who is in danger of losing his "baby son" status) praying fervently for the baby to be a girl. And there are two boys, praying equally as hard for a brother. He also has a little 2 year old princess praying for "both". lol

Of course we know that God knew this little one before it was even formed in the womb, so the gender question was determined long ago before the foundations of the world, but it is funny to hear them "letting their requests be made known".

I'm sure we'll be having the discussion about why God chose to answer the prayers of one group over the other in the coming days. Until then, we will just praise God for a healthy baby - whatever it may be...

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