Monday, January 7, 2008

Out with the Old - In with the NEW!

OK, there have been enough changes already this year to write our whole Christmas Newsletter, and it's only January 7th!

I've been pondering over the past few weeks and have determined that I'm just not happy and my existence exists of getting up in the morning and doing the same thing over and over - and yep, the results are the same.
There's ALWAYS dirty laundry.
I have NO IDEA what's for dinner.
The house is a MESS! (Could it be anything else with 7 kids and a husband? LOL!)
Nothing is organized - can't find what we're looking for - everything is a shambles
and all this boils down to one thing...

SO, I decided we're changing things ...
I've reinstated my FLYLADY Routines.
I've got my ONCE A MONTH COOKING menu and recipes printed and ready to go.
I'm re-arranging all my kids' closets to get their clothes in order.
The Room Fairy is paying visits to the kids' rooms and leaving treats for clean rooms.
We re-arranged our chore chart so the kids are not skipping chores because they hate doing what they were assigned.
We're putting in new storage options so that there's a place for everything and (hopefully) everything will be in its place.
I'm rearranging my kitchen so everything is in a more logical place (AND I have my new colors picked out to redecorate it - AND the Dining Room!)
And above everything else ... We are attending a new church!! (YES!)

Things are feeling really hopeful and everyone seems to be happier (not to mention things are a lot more peaceful around here)!

I can't wait to get everything in place and get this place whipped into shape. (Then, I'll start working on the weight loss - LOL!)

1 comment:

Amin said...

toc toc ... lol
only a big bonjour frome france
and i wish u and for your familly a very happy new year 2008 have u a nice day ... au revoir