Well, we had a wonderful Christmas - all of my family was "home" (at my parents' house) and we had a great time. Christmas morning at OUR home was fun and joyous. The kids came down the stairs to see what Santa had brought along with the gifts that were already under the tree. They spent some time dumping out their stockings to see what was inside, then we stopped for a bit to read the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible - because this is the TRUE meaning of Christmas.
After the reading, Dad began to pass out presents and everyone exclaimed that this was the best Christmas ever. (Which does a Mom's heart good!)
One of the greatest gifts I received was a new waterbed! We had a waterbed when we first got married, but when we moved to our last house, DH was afraid the floor in our bedroom (being an old house) wouldn't hold up the weight of 600 gallons of water. I have not had a decent night's sleep since we moved to THAT house! When we moved here, we bought an air bed (Comfort Aire). That was THE BIGGEST waste of money we ever shelled out! For many, many months, we've been getting up with a backache, the foam padding around the outside of the mattress shifted constantly and we had to keep unzipping the lining and putting it all back together. The fuse blew in the motor and DH had to tear it all apart to fix it. The baffle blew and the company had to send us another one. It was just a lemon as far as beds go.
SO, Every morning for months my first words to DH upon opening our eyes was "what I wouldn't give for our old waterbed back." (Of course we no longer had it - I think the frame became part of the chicken coop (no I'm not kidding) and the headboard is somewhere in the barn being used for something else - probably to hold feed or something.
So when I saw an ad in the paper the week before Christmas for a Queen sized waterbed - complete with frame, mattress and even sheets, I jumped with glee. DH called about it and told them he would take it over the phone. (When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!)
Forward to our first night in our new waterbed - I don't remember it! I slept through it! (When did THAT happen last?) When I opened my eyes, DH was leaning over me asking - "well, how'd you like the new bed?"
My answer was something like this ---
I heard angels singing!
I was in a meadow filled with flowers next to a babbling brook - and I wasn't sneezing!
Ferrero Rocher was hand feeding me chocolates - a LOT of chocolates!
I was skinny again!
There were fireworks!
I was in the Shire!
and OUR HOUSE WAS SPOTLESS!! (That's how good it was!)
So how did you like it?
and he said...
"I'll have to get used to it again". (sigh)
He did get me some really nice girly things - a Cashmere scarf and a Cameo brooch, but then he always gets me something I need that I didn't know I needed - this year, it was a 500 gig external hard drive! (He loves me!)