I'm homeschooling again! Last year for the first time in their lives, the kids went to school. They enjoyed a year at the Christian School, but this year it's just too tight to send them all, so our oldest daughter is the only one going and I'm teaching the other three at home. (AND taking care of the 3 little ones who aren't in school yet).

I'm trying to finish as much of my heritage album as I can before our family reunion in a couple of weeks. I'm also working on a heritage album for my mother in law, plus I entered the Digital Elite Team contest at DSP. The Digital Elite Team is a group of gals who use new kits in the DSP Store to make layouts that have a "Wow" factor to encourage other members to buy the kits. The contest is an elimination style challenge with 4 rounds. There were 99 layouts in Round 1 and almost half of those were eliminated. My Round 1 Entry was good enough to move me on to Round 2 (see left: Winter Sunset) .
For Round 2, we were given a kit to use that was totally out of my comfort zone. I'm not sure if I'll get past this one. The kit was called Rainbow's End and there was also a pack of Word Art. As soon as I saw the words, This HAPPY Face, I knew I had to use the pictures of Abby I had been saving for just the right layout. So here's what I came up with for Round 2. This one is called, Abby's Happy Face. I did five layouts before I was finally comfortable enough to upload this one. I finished it one night at 1:30 am and went to bed knowing that I had accomplished what I was trying to. I took the pictures one day when Abby was crawling around in her room.

Another thing I did this Summer (well, actually it was the last week of August) was take a picture (well, actually, it was 27 of them) of all the kids together. It took 27 tries to get ONE good one - where they were all looking at the camera and smiling. So #27 was it and I quit. Here is a layout I did of it and if you click here, you can see a page I did with the "out takes". What fun! : )
That's all I have time for this time. I'll try to keep up with it a little better in my spare (haha) time. : )